Monday 7 March 2016

Battle of YouTube Grounds: Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Soda Wars

Youtube Battle Grounds
Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Round 1: Frequency of Post

Coca-Cola posts a new video/commercial daily. Most recent they post approximately 2-3 new videos a day.Pepsi posts a new video/commercial monthly. Approximately 3-4 videos are posts each month.  

Round 2: Type of Content Displayed

The kind of video content Coca-Cola post are mainly promotional commercials with fans and/or celebrities around the global embracing their products thus emphasis their international brand identity.In the description area, the kind of content Coca-Cola includes links to other sites, and detailed descriptions about the video. 
The kind of video content Pepsi post consist of promotional commercials with many of today’s pop icons embracing their products thus emphasizing their ability to innovate efficiently and effectively and keep up with rapid changing interest of consumers/fans.
In the description area, the kind of content included are links to Pepsi's official websites and detailed descriptions of the videos posted.

Tie Breaker: 

Coca-Cola’s most successful recent videos were the Coca-Cola Happiness Truck ones, where a coca-cola truck would stop in an area anywhere in the world and provide drinks at no expense. The most recent video that they posted in the Philippines on February 21,2016 received 7647 likes and 2,629,826 views.I think this specific video was so successful because it displayed Coca-Cola’s diversity and ways of reaching different target audiences internationally and giving to those in different countries in need an opportunity to experience a coca-cola beverage for free and also providing them with individual necessities .

The brand’s most successful recent videos was the 30 second Joy of Pepsi commercial starring Singer Janelle Monae; where she dances her way through 50 years of Pepsi history This video received 1090 likes and 1,083,753 views last month. I think these videos was so successful because it significantly emphasized Pepsi’s ability to satisfying the needs of its customers for years through their products. This video allows long time consumers to reminisce on how Pepsi has been a company to always deliver and exceed expectations in satisfaction.  

Who will take the title?....To be continued, so tune into our next blog!

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