Monday 14 March 2016

Battle of the Brands Winner

Battle of the Brands Winner:


Seeing that one of Coca-Cola's influential and ground-breaking digital marketing campaigns was the Share a Coke campaign. A campaign by which recieved recognition globally. 

Heres some interesting facts shared by Coca-Cola involving the campaign:

Share a Coke 2014 by numbers:

•  Over a thousand names on our bottles
•  998 million impressions on Twitter
•  235,000 tweets from 111,000 fans using the #ShareaCoke hashtag
•  More than 150 million personalised bottles sold
•  Over 730,000 glass bottles personalised via the e-commerce store
•  17,000 virtual name bottles shared online across Europe
•  65 experiential stops on the Share a Coke tour

My own campaign for the winning brand: Coca-Cola

 Original: Share a coke Campaign

My idea: Coke-llect the Cap

I am creating this campaign for Coca-Cola.  My idea is a national contest that promotes Canada’s recycling. Cola-cola bottled drink caps will display a hidden message on the inside of the cap where consumers must collect all 8 caps to complete a sentence/phrase. Once the consumer finds all caps to complete sentence, they can turn in the caps to redeem a variety of specially selected Coca-Cola prizes. The caps turned in for a prize will be recycled.

My audience are teens and young adults motivated by contest giveaways and willing to participate in social events.My goals amount to receive excessive exposure and likes and followers on social media platforms such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram due to rapid increase of teen/young adult users.   

The promotion will begin June 30 and end August 31 as commemoration to the beginning and ending of summer where Coca-Cola becomes most favourable drink among consumers at this period in time. My Social Strategy are the use of social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The use of commercials/short videos are an option.

This campaign will attract, acquire, and engage my audience because a contest like this can ignite excitement and create memorable experiences with the product for consumers and attract price conscious consumers while persuading them to repeat purchases.   

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