Monday 21 March 2016

Crush promotion

My marketing idea is the for Crush soda Brand. They have been had much success through their Instagram page and that is the main platform that their target consumers are using on a daily bases. My idea for marketing the crush brand is to create a fun interacting way for word of mouth to be the main way our brand is heard of. My idea will be to target the young adults who use Instagram and enjoy soda pops. The idea is to create a hashtag where customers tag a crush products in a comic way to enjoy and to post it. After they post it they use the hashtag and Crush soda will post it on their page. At the end of the month which ever picture receives the most likes will receive a paid trip curiously of Crush Soda.  This will bring more followers more views and likes to the Crush Instagram page.  The main platform being used will be Instagram but facebook will also play a big role in posting and sharing the pictures as well. This will keep the audience intrigued and have them enjoying the products for a chance to win a trip. 

Saturday 19 March 2016

Crush and Fanta on Insta

The third social media platform which we analyzed for both brands was Instagram. Fanta has not posted anything via Instagram since 2014 and Crush does not update their page regularly. The last time something was posted from crush was Christmas time. Both brands post pictures of their products and how they are used during the holidays and how people enjoy them in fun creative ways. In their description they list their websites and their Facebook. Both the posts that were the most popular was just a logo from their brand with a contest detail to visit their webpage. This was popular because it was a great customer interaction to gain awareness. 

Thursday 17 March 2016

Crush and Fanta on Twitter

Currently both brands, Crush and Fanta, remain inactive on their twitter platform. Just like on their Facebook they are active during their peak seasons. Their last peak seasons was during the Christmas time and New Year. On their twitter Crush is alternating between cute creative ways their products have been enjoyed as well as with witty puns in regards to their drinks. On the other hand Fanta is always tweeting animations regarding their Fanta characters or bright coloured animations of their different flavors. Like their Facebook page both brands do not use the 50/50 rule. They both simply keep their company products and brands up on  their twitter page. Crush Key sentences include: That moment when you give your kid a Crush and they actually say “thank you.”#CRUSHEDIT , It’s Crush season, every season.  The key sentences which Fanta includes on their page are: Dance ‘til the very last Fanta drop , Fanta lets you get your summer on, any time of year. 
The post which was most successful for the Crush brand was posting their favorite key sentence about every seasons being crush seasons, this post received 15 likes and 5 shares. The second brand, Fanta, their most successful 

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Fanta vs Crush on Facebook

Both of these brands seem to only be active during major selling seasons. Such as Christmas and Thanks giving. During this time they both would post every few hours and be interactive with their customers. After their main peak seasons both companies only post monthly. The type of post they make are mostly videos or a small attention grabbing ads. The company does not follow the 50/50 rule, they simply use their social media to post their current information and ads.  Crush key sentence : Ordinary, meet extraordinary. Fanta Key sentence : One for all. And all for Fanta! .  The most successful post for Crush is their Halloween video which received 2.7K likes and 100+ comments. In comparison the most successful post for Fanta is their Fanta contest hint # 3 which received 2.2K likes and 543 Shares. These two were successful because they both were very strong relatable posts. The contest really helped create brand awareness and customer interaction and the Halloween video was a comic enjoyable video. 

Monday 14 March 2016

Battle of the Brands Winner

Battle of the Brands Winner:


Seeing that one of Coca-Cola's influential and ground-breaking digital marketing campaigns was the Share a Coke campaign. A campaign by which recieved recognition globally. 

Heres some interesting facts shared by Coca-Cola involving the campaign:

Share a Coke 2014 by numbers:

•  Over a thousand names on our bottles
•  998 million impressions on Twitter
•  235,000 tweets from 111,000 fans using the #ShareaCoke hashtag
•  More than 150 million personalised bottles sold
•  Over 730,000 glass bottles personalised via the e-commerce store
•  17,000 virtual name bottles shared online across Europe
•  65 experiential stops on the Share a Coke tour

My own campaign for the winning brand: Coca-Cola

 Original: Share a coke Campaign

My idea: Coke-llect the Cap

I am creating this campaign for Coca-Cola.  My idea is a national contest that promotes Canada’s recycling. Cola-cola bottled drink caps will display a hidden message on the inside of the cap where consumers must collect all 8 caps to complete a sentence/phrase. Once the consumer finds all caps to complete sentence, they can turn in the caps to redeem a variety of specially selected Coca-Cola prizes. The caps turned in for a prize will be recycled.

My audience are teens and young adults motivated by contest giveaways and willing to participate in social events.My goals amount to receive excessive exposure and likes and followers on social media platforms such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram due to rapid increase of teen/young adult users.   

The promotion will begin June 30 and end August 31 as commemoration to the beginning and ending of summer where Coca-Cola becomes most favourable drink among consumers at this period in time. My Social Strategy are the use of social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The use of commercials/short videos are an option.

This campaign will attract, acquire, and engage my audience because a contest like this can ignite excitement and create memorable experiences with the product for consumers and attract price conscious consumers while persuading them to repeat purchases.   

Sunday 13 March 2016

Battle of Fan Page Grounds: Pepsi

Battle of Fan Page Grounds: 


Top 3 Pepsi Fan Pages:

The best Pepsi fan pages of this brand are found on social media pages like Facebook, Instagram and especially sites like Twitter that create a platform for fans/followers to engage with the brand on a more personal level through the use of hashtags and catch phrases to strategical gain brand awareness and popularity. 

#3. Pepsi India is one of the most popular pages/boards on Pinterest: receiving 540 followers. The kind of content viewers can expect to find on  the fan pages are images of fans and icons in India embracing Pepsi products. This displays the diversity of fans the Pepsi brand satisfies.

#2. Pepsi618 is a popular fan page on facebook; receiving 1,207 likes and 175 people talking about this page. The kind of content viewers can expect to find on  the fan pages are images promoting upcoming Pepsi social events, giveaways and contests. 

#1. Pepsi_SA is another popular fan page on twitter; receiving 4228 followers and 94 likes. The kind of content viewers can expect to find on  the fan pages are images of consumers/fans embracing the brand's products.

Who will take the title?....To be continued, so tune into our next blog!

Saturday 12 March 2016

Battle of Fan Page Grounds: Coca-Cola

Battle of Fan Page Grounds: 


Top 3 Coca-Cola Fan Pages:

The best Coca-Cola fan pages of this brand are found on social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and especially sites like Pinterest that create a platform for fans to share their interest through a selection of images.

#3. Coca-Cola Design fan page  is a popular page on Pinterst; receiving 880 followers and 472 pins. The kind of content viewers can expect to find  are images of different Coca-Cola designs displayed in an artistic way.

#2. Coca-Cola_fan is a popular fan page on Twitter; recieving 4731 followers and 427 likes. The kind of content viewers can expect to find  are photos, videos of fans' experiences with the brand's products and corporate social responsibility of Coca-Cola in action.

#1. The actually Coca-Cola facebook page started off as fan page started by two coke fans: Dusty Sorg and Michael Jedrzejewski. Whose page later on gained so much attention and millions of followers that they decided to partner up with Coca-Cola to become one of the brand's offical pages. The kind of content viewers can expect to find on each of the fan page are photos, videos and how to's of the brands products.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Fanta: social Media

Image result for fanta logo

A creative and interactive social media platform is important to Fanta. They make it their priority to make their social media platforms attractive and interactive to the customers.

Fanta currently has a social media platform with 5 social media accounts: these include Instagram, Facebook, Linked In , Twitter and Google+. The post which the company makes include various interactive videos and pictures of their customers enjoying their products in fun creative ways. Their platforms are very attractive and colorful however they are not very active on their accounts. Like their competitors they have found that it is best to reach their target market through twitter and their website where they have many games. They have many followers on their accounts and receive great feedback on all.  

Crush Soda : Social Media

Image result for Crush Logo

Social media is the best form for companies to reach their customers. In order for the company to be successful on their social media platforms. They must be active with the customers and keep them updated with current promotions and products their company is launching. By doing this they keep their target markets interested and feel important.
Currently Crush is currently active on 5 social media which include: Facebook, Link In, Twitter and Instagram as well as google+. Unfortunately they are not currently very active on social media. Their last post on Facebook was on December 29 2014, and January 1 2015. Before their last post on Facebook they were very active on their Facebook, however it seems that despite their last post on twitter they discovered that the majority of their target market used twitter.
They interact best with their customer by simply posting their video advertising and promotions available to their customers. This is how they keep their audience interested and in the loop.  Especially around Christmas seasons is when the company is most active on social media incorporating their product into Christmas recipes. 

On their social media they receive quite a bit of negative reviews on their product and unfortunately they do not respond or engage with their customers to address their issues. 

Monday 7 March 2016

Battle of YouTube Grounds: Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Soda Wars

Youtube Battle Grounds
Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Round 1: Frequency of Post

Coca-Cola posts a new video/commercial daily. Most recent they post approximately 2-3 new videos a day.Pepsi posts a new video/commercial monthly. Approximately 3-4 videos are posts each month.  

Round 2: Type of Content Displayed

The kind of video content Coca-Cola post are mainly promotional commercials with fans and/or celebrities around the global embracing their products thus emphasis their international brand identity.In the description area, the kind of content Coca-Cola includes links to other sites, and detailed descriptions about the video. 
The kind of video content Pepsi post consist of promotional commercials with many of today’s pop icons embracing their products thus emphasizing their ability to innovate efficiently and effectively and keep up with rapid changing interest of consumers/fans.
In the description area, the kind of content included are links to Pepsi's official websites and detailed descriptions of the videos posted.

Tie Breaker: 

Coca-Cola’s most successful recent videos were the Coca-Cola Happiness Truck ones, where a coca-cola truck would stop in an area anywhere in the world and provide drinks at no expense. The most recent video that they posted in the Philippines on February 21,2016 received 7647 likes and 2,629,826 views.I think this specific video was so successful because it displayed Coca-Cola’s diversity and ways of reaching different target audiences internationally and giving to those in different countries in need an opportunity to experience a coca-cola beverage for free and also providing them with individual necessities .

The brand’s most successful recent videos was the 30 second Joy of Pepsi commercial starring Singer Janelle Monae; where she dances her way through 50 years of Pepsi history This video received 1090 likes and 1,083,753 views last month. I think these videos was so successful because it significantly emphasized Pepsi’s ability to satisfying the needs of its customers for years through their products. This video allows long time consumers to reminisce on how Pepsi has been a company to always deliver and exceed expectations in satisfaction.  

Who will take the title?....To be continued, so tune into our next blog!

Social Media Study Analysis: Coca-Cola

Social Media Study Analysis:

By: Tashante Josephs


Coca-Cola being such a household name makes the company one step ahead of its competitors in the overly popularized soft drink industry. Although the company seems to face many challenges from other highly recognizable brands in the market, Coca-Cola has always found a way to stay on top and relevant to this very day with its infamous signature tattooed to the bright red can. Looking at how the brand positions itself, who wouldn’t want a sip of that drink?

Remaining relevant has never been an issue for the brand. Coca-Cola is a brand that innovates and adapts to constantly changing consumer preferences by strategically satisfying consumer needs and influencing buying habits. This is outcome is possible for this brand because of its utilization of social media that in return enhances their overall brand image while increasing brand awareness. Coca-Cola’s use of social media does impact the overall attention the company generates from a direct interaction platform with fans.  Their social media pages were also used as a platform to promote and run campaigns especially the most recent Share a Coke campaign:

receiving attention globally. 
Coca-Cola’s strengths are its ability to attracting customers who are in it for the long run who will eventually bring customer loyalty to the brand. Seeing that Coca cola is company who stresses on its tradition and long-term history of satisfying their customers this is evident by how they appear on their social media site. Coca-Cola appear on several social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, Google plus and Instagram. On such sites, the company posts videos, pictures and establish memorable hashtags to generate interest and hopefully persuade consumers to support their products. Coca-Cola's primary goal with the use of social media is to engage fans and generate interest around their products to enhance brand's image and distribute their products on a international level. 

Social Media Study Analysis: Pepsi

Social Media Study Analysis:

By: Tashante Josephs


Pepsi being the brand known for innovation, creativity, modern approach to product diversity and differentiation and ability to appeal to the younger tech-savvy generations. Although Pepsi faces overwhelming dominance from brand Coca-Cola, Pepsi puts up a great fight in creating new and improved ways in satisfying new and evolving consumer changes. To stay ahead in this industry, Pepsi displays this innovation through product diversity and product differentiation. Pepsi is brand that looks forward to the future. This strategy is evident through their Pepsi Next product line.

Campaigns like this become so successful due to the utilization of social media that in return provides Pepsi with an excellent social media presence that in due time enhances the brand’s image while increasing substantial brand awareness.
The brand is present on several social media sites including facebook, twitter, instagram and google plus. Through these sites the brand is able to strategically distinguish itself from others in the same industry through mass marketing, and constant product modifications to keep up changes in consumer demand. The use of social media sites are most effective when consumers/fans are able ti interact with the brand through a series of campaigns like the ones that take place on Twitter- #PepsiNext and #PepsiMoji.

Friday 4 March 2016

Battle of Pinterest Grounds: Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Soda Wars

Pinterest Battle Grounds
Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Round 1: Frequency of Post

On a site like Pinterest Coca-Cola does not have to post new content often because fans and followers of the brand post images and discuss their views of certain products and/or social events that take place involving the brand.

Pepsi does not have an official account due to the fact that their fans have too it upon themselves to arrange multiple storyboards of the brand. Almost everyday fans of the product are posting images about the brand’s products

Round 2: Type of Content Displayed

The kind of content Coca-Cola posts include 11 individual themed storyboards arranged into classes regarding promotional images of how-to’s such as easy recipes and snacks and treats, Coca-Cola gear, and special occasions featuring coke products.

The kind of content that is posted by followers of the Pepsi brand include promotional images, how-to’s, and industry related events. 

Round 3: Platform Feature

Pinterest establishes a promotional platform for the Coca Cola brand; which enables the company and fans to post new pictures of interest about the brand’s products and/or social events. The kind of content that is included are “pins” a button on the site which allows users to select an image of interest and add to their story board. These images posted by fans also provide links to other sites to Coca-Cola Products.
The kind of content that is included are links to other sites, and categories based on fan interest such as the Pepsi Memorable storyboard page that shares classic Pepsi antiques.(


Coca-Cola's most successful recent images were the ones shared by fans in storyboard about Coke’s OPI nail polish line.
The page has 51.6K followers and 26 pins and an individual post with 33 pins; gaining 111 likes.(
I think this specific storyboard were so successful because it emphasis’ the brands product diversity. 

Pepsi’s most successful recent images were the ones shared from Pepsi Next official page.The page has 1.6K followers and 14 individual Pepsi related storyboards. ( and an individual post with 45 pins ; gaining 1.K followers.

I think the videos were so successful because it gave fans a view of what Pepsi brand will elevate to and what the brand will bring to the table to satisfy their consumers.

Who will take the title?....To be continued, so tune into our next blog!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Battle of Twitter Grounds: Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Soda Wars

Twitter Battle Grounds
Coca-Cola Vs. Pepsi

Round 1: Frequency of Post

The Coca-Cola brand tweets very often; approximately every day and 3-4 hours apart.Pepsi tweets daily primarily around events that take place and no more than 2 tweets a day.

Round 2: Type of Content Displayed

The kind of content Coca-Cola tweets about are images of the product and numerous modifications of their products.The kind of content the Pepsi brand tweets about are promotional images/videos displaying the brands product at media events such as Black History Month.

Round 3: Exercises the 50/50

The Coca-Cola brand use the 50/50 rule by stay true to promoting their product but also allowing fan interaction that invites consumer feedback. Pepsi uses the 50/50 rule by promoting their product through media events that initially attract attention to the brand and its products. Pepsi also uses celebrities to endorse their products and establish events that center their brand but also to promote a good cause like #BeyondTheDream event.

Round 4: Use of Keywords

Some keyword sentences used by Coca-Cola on their posts include: #WorldComplimentDay, #CokeMini, #ShareaCoke and #TasteTheFeeling
The keyword sentences used by Pepsi on their posts include: #BeyondTheDream, #TheRecipe, #BlackHistoryMonth, #Fizzamous and #PepsiHalftime.

Tie Breaker: 

Coca-Cola’s most successful recent tweets were “Two thirsty heroes. But only one #CokeMini. Let the chase begin” video post about Coca-Cola: Coke Mini involved with Hulk vs. Ant-Man. The tweet received 11K retweets and 14K likes. I think the posts were so successful because it involved the collaboration with Marvel characters battling it out over a CokeMini (modification to the original Coca-Cola beverage).

Pepsi’s most successful recent tweets were “Squad ðŸ’¯#PepsiHalftime” image post; receiving 5.5K retweets and 8.8K likes on February 7, 2016.  
I think the posts were so successful because it emphasized the brands involvement with worldwide events and how they collaborate with so many different organizations for the greater good of their brand image, fans and others. 

Who will take the title?....To be continued, so tune into our next blog!